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Sunday 18 July 2010

Blood Successor-Chapter 1

Blood Successor
Chapter 1
The Never-ending Rain Sings of Sadness Again

  Dark clouds gathered slowly and fog began to stretch its arms embracing a spooky, broken down chapel. Stained steel fence barricaded it poorly, with spooky weeds ever growing taller clinging onto the fence. The lights within the chapel were dim and the earthen path to front door crooked. Tiny animals roamed around the weeds, rustling sound grew ever stronger. Not long before all the rustling ends, a man carried a new born baby pushed open the front gate and walked in, his footsteps were heavy. Each step he takes cost him his life, blood flows down from his chest. A fatal wound that none will survive; but somehow he survived. Upon reaching the door, he gently lowered his arms and laid the baby on the doorsteps. He caressed the baby chubby cheek and kissed his forehead.

  “Grow up well; I’m following your mother.” He bid the baby goodbye and took a last gentle glance. He raised his arms and exerted mana onto his finger, clawing open a dimension portal. He walked into the portal, vanished.

  As soon as the portal closed, rain started to pour from the heavy clouds. Soon after, a man opened the door, stood there watching the rain pouring, by picking up the baby he whispered “Rain, a confusing event. Looking at it makes one wonder what meaning has it brings along. Some brings misfortune and some brings life while some signify a new era.”

  A teenage was hurrying his way as the rain began to pour like mad. He pulled over his hood and clutch his cloaked tightly, he ran.

  “Rain~” he sighed. Soon, he came across a group of cavalier. They were all clad in armor except for one; the one that caught his eye. He quickly passed through them as they looked dangerous.

  About half an hour later, he reached a town and walked in from the east gate. Another group of cavalier rode passed him in a hurry. The leader suddenly halted, turned around and asked “have you seen a group of cavalier escorting a girl?”

  “Well, I did.” He answered. “She’s too pretty to not be noticed in this rain.”

  “Direction?” the leader frowned, clearly he was not please by his behavior.

  “It’s that way, good sir.” He pointed to the direction he came from and smiled gently “have nice journeys.”

  The leader turned and rushed along, disappearing into the road. The rain has tune down and soon will stop.

   “The carving on the lance,” he murmured “Renval army?”

  He wandered around the town. The town was separated equally into three sectors, one on the east, the other west and between them another sector. Industrial sector, shop lots and residential sector were well-planned. Industrial sector were build far away from residential sector which is on the east. Therefore, the middle sector was none other than shop lots. Without wasting time, he has had a stroll along the shop lots looking for items.

  He came across a wondering peddler demonstrating his goods on a piece of big cloth around the corner. There was this one pair of gauntlet that caught his eye. That pair of gauntlet was coated in dark red material. There were some crimson lining glowed on every edge around it. For some reason the gauntlet released a comfortable aura that attracted something deep within him. He moved closer and the feeling grew stronger.

  “How much is this?” he singled out the gauntlet and held it by his hand.

  “GOOD GRIEF, young sir!” The peddler shouts out in surprise.

  “You’re confusing me here, mister!” he replied. “How much is this?”

  “If you would, do please take it” he answered happily. “Ever since this ‘thing’ I found in the woods came into my good business been lagging”

  “Well if you say so.” He took the gauntlet and wore it.

  After having a stroll around the town he search his way to the east gate and went back home.

He ran slowly along the road for about three quarter and slipped into the forest to his left. Pushing through the bushes and weeds, slowly he came to a chapel. It was broken down but the fences were well-cared and a creaked path leads to the front door. There was a figure lying beside the path, fists clenched hard. The grass around his area were stained in blood and not far from it a dark foul stain devouring the ground; leaving the ground pitch black and smells of death slowly emits from the circular stain.
  “N-no, no, no . . .” he trembled as he murmured “this cannot be! What happen?”
  He flipped through the fences and dashed to that figure. He reached out his finger to test the man pulse. Later he tried listening to his heartbeat. All his effort tells him that he was dead.
  “I won’t let it happen!” he whispered. He pulled mana to his fingers and gathered into one point. He raises his fist and hit the concentrated mana into the man chest. Upon hitting it he changed the pure concentrated energy ball into electric element. When it reached the man’s heart; his body trembles from the electrification. He tried several times but it was all in vain.
  “F-father” he murmured “I-I swear to make whoever did this pay!”
  As he tried to stand up a surge of pain rushed through his head. His veins throbbed madly in fear and excitement. It was far more painful than migraine. The pain waved in and out like sea water. He gripped his head as if the head was not his. He screamed in pain and soon his mana outburst. Mana that was supposed to be formless formed a humanoid form around him. Every little bit of mana flowed out from his marma (pressure point) and slowly the concentration increased.
Blood Successor - Chapter 1

(Download link for correction)

Chapter 2 - Battle Magus

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's pretty interesting, I would like to know what happens next. But your problem here isn't your lack of creativity, but your grammatical errors. But good stuff :)