The Nameless One
Have any soul wonder or wander toward the dark path? Have any seen and back forth earth to tell the stories? Were they mentioning not to be tell or just freaking afraid to what would happen now and then. Just how human may have afraid looking at mirror, but they do not. What we, us, you, him, her and I afraid was our self! The one completely removed mask, far away from shelter and protective layers constructed and built up by what so call knowledge. People are not stupid not even a retarded one as they somehow find a way protect their own fragile part from being harm. Maybe or maybe not we were too clever to have forced ourselves to the edge of hell and then finding a way new invention to keep us save or some just hoping others would do so like their hope or pillar of light!
What is the most beautiful thing some ask? Human I answered. They were ugly as well. Let us get back to the mirror thing shall we? Mirror… a reflective layer. Revealing our weaknesses is what it does. Wicked isn’t it? How hard have we all try to hide ourselves from the outer world of not our own, yet it did accomplished its job – revealing us. The beautiful mask we have been wearing as a part of our limb, it break the spell, embarrassing us. How sometimes … we would want to kill someone when they took our mask off, but could we do so. We have been tie to the endless lines of words – laws. That’s a good one, to prevent further butchering of human by … human. Without them, those lying on pool of blood … may have been you or me.
Masking ourselves may have been the reason for war! To have masked our weakness we wedge war upon ourselves, no matter the cost it takes. Looking back things may be foolish, but some never regrets. They get what they want; they pay what they have to. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; people get what they deserved for their act. Like what hell been told by Anthony McGowan in hellbent, what you did it may be small but still its counted despite it has been done for good or bad. For example, you kill a person so he won’t suffer but still it has been counted that YOU KILL HIM! That’s to be said we are all sinner except when we were just born. Maybe being a newborn baby is a sin too as we make our mother feel pain … that not good... I think. (=.=) .
Masking yourself is not a bad thing to do; being a sinner at start was not for you to choose and they were not your fault. So, live your life to the fullest.
The moon rose, night curtain falls in taking over the evening sun. The villagers in Naim fasten their pace, packing their things or necessity back home. A boy was still outside and his mother noticed this. She dragged his beloved child back in their safety nest. He refused.
He was only nine, questioning why he would need to do so that he can’t go out at night ever since he was born. Simply yet concrete, his mother told him that night is dangerous.
However, he knew but he wanted another answer.
The last word he heard from his simple mother was Demon. Why was that? His mother fell onto the ground, blood simply jet out from her back. Wounds of claws and clothes tear open by the sharp claws. A dark figure then spurt out from the dark vanished before he captures its whole image.
A smile is what he sees, a smile is what he remembers, and cruelty is what he knew. A smile he sees and remembers was of two smiles, one of his mother and the other from the figure.
For three days, he cried, and soon his tears run dry. No one wants him in the village. They accused him for his mother death and so did he blame himself. Where or who was his father, people may question? Long gone, gone to who knows where, heaven or hell - he don’t give a damn as he do not know who he is. To the villagers, he was a sinner ever since he was born, not for being bad but only being indifferent.
He always wanted to know what’s out there, what would the road looks like when its dark. For century, the traditions not being out at night passes down perfectly until he came to this little world of them, breaking the unspoken spell may mean to die but they let him go for he was still small.
A cemetery for his mother, built beside her house but no home for him – the sinner. Confused and sad yet he had to go. He pack the food left at home and started his nowhere journey. He was shoo out from the village and they swear never to let him set a foot at here again. That was the only solution for he is too young to bear any law of the village held for centuries (under age).
He walks toward the forest in the north where the villagers once said, the demon lives and dwell there. He has no idea why he goes there. Some feeling jerks in his heart, attracting him toward it. He did not have the feeling of being afraid in his heart but somehow the aura, smell and appearance were familiar. He was sad of his mother death but the figure posses something he feel close.
Slowly, gradually he walks into the forest. Pushing through the overgrown bushes, grass grew perfectly fine there and trees competing with each other trying to get their daily need. The forest was deadly quiet despite the look of it from the outside. Leafy green leaves and mosses hanging around may seem to cure his sadness, somewhere in his heart were draw to these green. Carefully, he makes his way through the bushes. Finding a little path that was not taken and now wild grass overgrown but still there. Catching the wind, he picked up speed and strode his way into the inner heart of the forest.
Hours after, he lost his way or properly mention – he did not even care bout the way he took. Walking blindly at the forest is what he did. He took out some bread and ate it under a huge tree. The moon raises again, clouds closing in and fog flowing around like water free flowing. He was tired so he took a sleep under the tree.
“Ah, what’s the bright light?” he asked as he supports himself up.
He opened his eyes survey his surrounding. He noticed he was not under the tree, there were lights and he was not in a house. The stench of dried blood and fresh blood mixed the room. He stood up, trying to find a way out. There is a chair, made of wood at the left corner of the room and a hole beside it. To the other corner of the room, there were racks of book. Those books were written in ancient language, not hard to read but slow though.
A man covered in black cape with a hood, perfectly fine to cover of his face, revealing only his hand to the boy. He saunter his way to the wooden chair, facing his way to the child.
“Want another name?” he asked.
“I don’t need one, why?” he asked pathetically.
“Nameless shall you be.” Softly and gently he spoke. Soon, he walked out the door, turning his back against the boy. “You’ll know one day, and the day will come after you killed me.”
Dancing under the velvet moon, the rain it dance! Cloudy skies, slowly covering the moon as the rain pour down harder, as if mud drops falling from nowhere. Falling down from skies like meteor, it pushes its way through the thick canopy, stomping on the forest ground. Enriching the life of nature, it did as always. Absorbing the rich water, the fauna does, stretching their limb toward the skies wishing for more, for plants has desire to live on like human does.
Looking into the rain, people confuse, people feel sad. Every now and then, rain pour signifying who knows what, still, over a million people signify it as a sad event whenever rains fall. At funeral rains fall, it is weird. At the end of cruel battle rainfall, comforting killing is for good. People think what they think, ignoring others. Being selfish is the only way human live. Supporting each other is the same goes to selfish categories, to be clear whomever they support was the only reason they have been living on until now.
Rain is a confusing event. Looking into it you saw nothing but everything of nature. Its like empty vessel filled with something you cannot see but only to touch it or feel it. Nature is simple itself. Humans were the only thing complicated, not to mention they were too complicated. People were like burning fire and their souls were like thread. Burning too bright that bring along self-destruction. They knew it but they ignore it. Then, here goes the cycle of life … never ending. People cursed the nature but who knew that nature might as well curse us for destroying their simple cycle. Breaking invention, unbeaten knowledge form this world … now the elves, human, undead, dragon, demon and angel may live in peace but how long will this last. Nature has its desire, remember!
This day, this rain, this very moment in the deep forest in Naim signifying LIVES ON.
Blood spilled; the boy fell on his pool of blood, stupor he is breathing heavily. The one man he wanted to kill stood in front of him, watching. A ferocious, extremely gigantic wolf stood beside him. The wolf has black fur and a grayish tail. It has razor sharp teeth, strong claws.
A magic circle beside the boy suddenly broke off after a strike of lightning. Another wolf appeared. This one has two tails, and a silver-coated fur. It is also half a size of the wolf standing beside the man.
Out of sudden, the black wolf charge at it. It dodges the attack and fire a ball of fire from its mouth. The fireball pierced through the rain. It evaporated every little drops of rain droplet into vapors. The black wolf did not dodge, instead, it casted a barrier. After the explosion from the clashing of magic against magic, the silver wolf sprung out from the left and tearing its way through the barrier reaching for the black wolf.
“You’ve much yet to learn, my boy!” it vanishes and came slashing out from the silver wolf back. Its razor sharp claws tear through the fur into the flesh. Red crimson blood jets out.
Staring back at it claws and paws ready for another bloody fight.
“Who called you?” it asked. Surveying the surrounding, wondering if the summoner would appear.
The silver wolf ignored the question, focusing on the battle.
“The boy” The man replied. His eyes focused on him. He was examining the ground beside him. The ground was burn to a total black coal. Water droplets evaporated as soon as they touch that very ground.
“That is very interesting, indeed.” It focused its eyes on the boy face, wondering if it saw him somewhere. The rains slowly tuned down but wind raced up.
“He is not what you think my friend.” He turned and walked away, picking up his cloak on the earthen floor, soak in water and covered with mud. “His son. A half blood.” He wears his already-dirty cloak and move on.
“Guess that settles It.” it quickly followed up.