01)Going Under.mp3
03)Everybody's Fool.mp3
02)Bring Me To Life.mp3
04)My Immortal.mp3
08)Taking Over Me.mp3
10)My Last Breath.mp3
How can we alleviate suffering in this world?
Take a look out the window you have cornered yourself in into the outside world. Examine carefully your surrounding world and soon enough you will find that the world around you is suffering without you realizing it. By then you will eventually feel that everyone is wearing a mask covering them or at least those who are true to their problem always have a frown on their forehead with those common three linear lines on it. So, think again. There are people in need in this world suffering from this so called world that we have built. We must never blame the government for this kind of suffering as this is not their fault. Government objective was to provide us better life which we fell deep within the comfortable sensation and thus repaying us with suffering in long-term debt. For example, deforestation in order to provide shelter for the ever-growing population is somehow results in pollution which endanger our own! So here we are to find out the ways to alleviate suffering from this world!
As for a starter, let us look at the scope of poverty which experienced by millions of people, especially people from Africa. Poverty is the condition of lacking basic human needs such as nutrition, clean water, health care, clothing, and shelter because of the inability to afford them. In other word, the main reason is lack of money and occupation. Without occupation they don’t get any money which in turn inability to buy their needs. About 25 000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to United Nations. According to the United Nation, there are plenty of foods in the world for everyone but still there are hungry people out there trapped in severe poverty and lack of money to buy enough food to nourish themselves. Being constantly malnourished they become weaker and often sick. The flows of this event are somewhat a downward spiral and slowly it devours their lives away like a withering flower which is constantly not watered. I strongly believe that we can alleviate poverty by the form of food as food is the basic necessity among all and water as well. Providing food to African population which is suffering from hunger could help saving lives besides alleviating suffering. Instead of just providing food, people with wealth should or must provide them shelter and education. We must not take them as meaningless lives because if they had a choice to get their hands at their basic necessity they would be a big help in providing mans power. With a job or occupation, they could survive.
People experienced anger, sadness, joy, remorse, funny, amusing, and much more emotion. Emotions are the inner things we had inside us as a human being. Without them, the world around us does not seem bright and sound. In fact, emotions make human special. On the other hand, uncontrollable emotions may cause severe suffering. For example, Billy was at his garden mowing the overgrown grass but his mower does not move. He tried changing its accessories and done all sort of maintenance but still it won’t budge or start! Then Billy was frustrated and angry, he lifted his leg and sidekick the mower. This does not make him feel good as he hurt himself because he let his angry out of control. This is a simple example while there are more which is critical. We are not going to touch that as it would be a long story. So, let us discuss the way of lighten emotion-cause suffering. Psychiatric which was good enough provide people witch cannot control their anger advice. We can learn to control our anger and we will do what we can do by teaching others how to control them. To control our anger or emotion we must first count to ten so we give our body and mind to calm down. Then, we identify the cause or root of that sort of emotion. For example, Billy root of anger is he is not satisfied with his mower. So, after identifying the root we analyze them and after some time we would eventually find that it is amusing. Seeing things from different angle will relief anyone from suffering rather than clinging onto the problem! Try asking yourself, do you feel good clinging onto some grudge u had against someone or something?
“This land is so rich, why should we suffer like this?” by A.Samad Said is well said. I myself couldn’t agree more to this statement. This world is rich with resources or rather what we call talented people. Still, there is no improvement to the pollution we had suffered! They are doing their best we assume but what if we are the one who is not willing to help ourselves? Take a look around our neighborhood, the government has tried their best to help saving the world and reduce green house effect. We as the people of each country did not support the 3R – reduce, recycle and reuse. They did not support in the way of action like throwing things that can be recycle as they like. Our people lack of consciousness about world crisis. Even if they do, people don’t learn just by knowing. People learned by experiencing it so government sector and public sector should instill these consciousnesses by hanging word of motivation in the office or put it in some TV program.
To alleviate suffering from this world is not an easy job without everyone cooperation. There is more type of suffering out there hidden at the edge or corner of the society. To help lessen the suffering we need something concrete, we need something attractive … we need action! The suffering will only be lessen by brilliant action!